
Chile Snow in Ipanema

In 2019, Brazil hosted the Copa América and to celebrate the presence of the Chilean national team in Rio de Janeiro, Imaginadora, representing Sernatur (Chile's National Tourism Service), carried out an urban intervention in Ipanema Beach, in Rio de Janeiro. The objective was to show to the natives of Rio de Janeiro, without having to leave the beach, what is the experience of visiting a ski center in the Chilean mountains.

The action included a stylized container that referred to a Chilean snow station installed on the edge of Ipanema. Inside, another Chilean surprise: an ice bar, where tourists could try traditional Chilean drinks! Artificial snow has also been sprinkled in the area, making the experience even more realistic.

Participants were encouraged to post their experiences on social media for a contest. The prize? A trip to Chile with a companion! This generated hundreds of shares on social media and promoted the image of Chile to thousands of people at the beginning of the ski season. Internet reach was over 2 million people, 846,000 on Instagram and 1.5 million on news sites.
